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Important Change: 1-On-1 Case Interview Coaching & Executive Coaching With Partners

We are making one important change to our 1-on-1 case interview coaching program and executive coaching program effective 1 December 2016. This will only impact future clients.

If you are not familiar with our executive coaching program, this is when we work one-on-one with typically senior inidividuals to help them make a difference in their career. Refer to the “Partner in 3 Years” training program for an example of our work with an executive client.

Below we explain the rationale for this change with regards to 1-on-1 case interview coaching program. A similar rationale applies to our executive coaching program.

In reviewing each file for over 1,000 past/existing case interview coaching clients, we find that clients who start working earlier with us benefit more from the case interview coaching program and enjoy the training process more. When we start earlier with a client we have more time to fix gaps, correct mistakes and take the time to understand their profiles to ultimately produce very tailored programs. By getting to know clients better, we can teach them in a more tailored manner and help them more. This is especially relevant as we continue to take on more clients with “challenging profiles.”

Even when things go wrong, like an unexpected rejection from a firm, the more time we have the more options we can create to solve the problem and also create more paths to the firms. For example, a client who lacks good grades and leadership roles, and struggles with English, will have the time to improve all three of those areas over 12 to 15 months. The less time we have the less we can do and genuinely talented applicants may never reach their potential.

To accomplish this we need to know our clients fairly well before the training formally begins. Therefore, we are going to make an important change. Clients who want to interview in 2017 and are interested in our one-on-one case interview coaching program need to apply before 1 December 2016.

Clients can still apply to our 1-on-1 case interview coaching program after 1 December 2016, but in those cases we would expect clients to interview in 12 to 15 months after they are admitted. We are creating a 12 to 15 months lead time before clients interview. We want this lead time to work with them to prepare them better. Realistically, you should be planning that far out so this change only helps you.

So, in summary, if you want to interview in 2017 and are interested in our one-on-one case interview coaching program you need to apply no later than by 1 December 2016. Keep in mind our programs are highly competitive to join, which explains our ~73% placement rate for MBB despite taking on increasingly “challenging profiles”, so please send in thoughtful applications.

Good luck if you are interviewing in the next few weeks!


[email protected]

case interview coaching


PODCASTS: If you enjoy our podcasts, we will appreciate if you visit our Case Interviews podcast or Strategy Skills podcast on iTunes and leave a quick review. It helps more people find us.

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