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FIRMSconsulting Insider

We value and reward loyalty with our advanced content in this elite program for our most committed clients.

FC Insider is for our long-term members who are committed to making a substantial, positive impact on the world, accompanied by rapid career progression. Like all loyalty programs, initial and continued access must be earned.

There are 3 different ways to become an FC Insider:

Option A: Join Premium and earn FIRMSconsulting Insider status after 6 months of consecutive membership (on your 7th renewal). Thereafter, the FC Insider status is retained until membership is canceled or lapses. Continuous membership is required to maintain FC Insider status.

Option B: Join Premium and earn FIRMSconsulting Insider status immediately. Skip the 6-month waiting period by paying for the previous 6 months as if you were a member during that time. This is not a pre-payment, and a monthly Premium subscription is required to remain as an FC Insider. Thereafter, the FC Insider status is retained until membership is canceled or lapses. Continuous membership is required to maintain FC Insider status.

Option C: Subscribe annually and immediately earn FIRMSconsulting Insider status. Your next renewal will be 12 months later.

How do I save 33% when subscribing?

You can save 33% by selecting Option C.

Option A/B:

Members must pay for 6 consecutive months of Premium membership BEFORE becoming an Insider: 6 x $167 = $1,002.

Thereafter, 12 months of FC Insider access costs: 12 x $167 = $2,004.

Therefore, the total cost for 12 months of FC Insider access is: $1,002 + $2,004 = $3,006.

Option C:

Members skip the 6-month waiting period to earn FC Insider status.

Total cost for 12 months of FC Insider access = $2,004.

Total savings: $3,006 – $2,004 = $1,002.

Percentage savings: $1,002 / $3,006 = 33.3%.

What do I receive as an FC Insider?

  1. Videos: All curated programs (thousands of episodes) on StrategyTraining.com + Android + iOS + Roku + Apple TV Apps.
    1. Visit StrategyTraining.com to see all the programs.
    2. Ability to download videos into Apps and watch. Access is available during active membership.
    3. Create playlists in Apps and websites.
    4. Auto-play feature on Apps and website.
    5. Continue-watching feature between Apps and website.
    6. Content streamed in HD where possible.
    7. A backlog of more than 1,000 episodes to be released.
  2. Books: early access to some of our new books and journals (an additional fee is needed and terms apply).
  3. Coaching: Eligible to apply for the single 1-on-1 advice sessions with Michael (separate from private 1-on-1 coaching, with no referral required, and an additional fee is needed).
  4. 1-on-1 private coaching: Eligible to apply for 1-on-1 coaching only if referred by a prior coaching client and an additional fee is needed. We do not accept applications without a referral. These are the longer coaching programs that Andrew, Amrit, Peter, Tatiana, Richard etc., participated in.
  5. SCR-Advanced: Eligible to apply for access to the Advanced Knowledge Management System, also called SCR-Advanced. An application process exists and an additional fee is needed.
    1. Editable slides of full studies
    2. Editable proposals
    3. Editable workshop packs
    4. Project management tools
    5. Full CRM capabilities

What updates are coming?

There will be major updates to 3 areas:

  1. Videos on StrategyTraining.com
  2. SCR-Advanced
  3. Books

SCR-Advanced contain the editable documents to some unreleased programs (listed below), programs already released, proposals, workshop packs and communication templates.

SCR-Advanced is the largest and most innovative resource we have ever launched. Share on X

Since it takes longer to record, edit and release the videos, some studies and their editable documents will appear in SCR-Advanced much earlier than they appear in our video streaming service.

We focus our updates on career management, strategy, operations, digital, implementation and risk programs. Each of these are full studies, and there are more to come.

  1. Proposals
  2. Workshop packs
  3. Project templates
  4. Digital & IT Strategy Study
  5. Wealth Management Strategy Study
  6. Operations Strategy Study
  7. Implementation Program
  8. Corporate Restructuring & Turnarounds
  9. Infrastructure Strategy & Feasibility Study
  10. Market Entry Strategy Study
  11. Sales Force Optimization Strategy Study
  12. Investor Relations Strategy Study
  13. Risk & Pandemic Planning Strategy Study

Our Advanced Knowledge Management System aka SCR-Advanced also includes project management tools and full CRM capabilities. Note that, as per above, SCR-Advanced membership requires an additional fee and approval.

Will existing programs be updated or refreshed?

Here are some programs for which updates are scheduled.

  1. Corporate Strategy & Transformation Program Study
  2. Start-Up: Electric Car
  3. Start-Up: Digital Luxury Brands
  4. Andrew’s journey from Senior Manager to Equity Partner in 3 years
  5. Rebuilding a Consulting Practice
  6. Partnership Memoir
  7. Titans of Strategy Programs – 6 programs

Other existing programs will be updated and announced closer to the update.

How do I use the books, videos, editable slides and podcasts in concert?

  1. Books—use with the video training programs to quickly grasp core skills. Additional fee is applicable for books.
  2.  SCR-Advanced—use our editable studies, tools, templates, proposals and letters to significantly reduce the time it takes to generate results, lower your costs and improve the quality of your work. Additional fee and approval are applicable for SCR-Advanced membership.
  3. Videos—gain mastery of core concepts to ensure that you solve the problem, implement the solution and bank the benefits.
  4. Coaching—to avoid roadblocks and trial-and-error, you can apply for 1-on-1 advice sessions (separate from private coaching which requires a referral from an alum). An approval and an additional fee is needed. In advice sessions a partner will evaluate your plan and help you develop a bespoke career strategy and solution. This is subject to availability and your admittance to the program.

How do I lose my FC Insider status?

FC Insider status is lost when your Premium subscription ends/pauses/lapses. Monthly Premium members must renew their membership monthly, and annual Premium members must renew their membership annually.

FC Insider status can only be restored by re-subscribing to Premium (access to StrategyTV.com/apps) and remaining a Premium member in good standing for another 6 consecutive months, or by following payment options B or C above, if such options are available at the time of your return and subject to approval.

We understand that sometimes there are billing problems outside of your control. If this happens, you have a 14-day period where your access is blocked, but you will immediately return to FC Insider status upon fixing the payment problems and covering the payment gap and admin fee when applicable.

After 14 days, access cannot be restored and all credits and/or access to FC Insider are lost. However, if you have special circumstances and inform us before the 14 days elapse, or have a valid reason why you could not contact us within 14 days, cover the payment gap and manual activation charges, we will work with you to try and help you retain your FC Insider status.

Once FC Insider status is granted, a member will remain within the elite FC Insider group for as long as they remain a Premium member in good standing—by upholding our terms and conditions, honor code and expectations of professionalism.

Should I watch programs I don’t particularly like?

There is little correlation between what we like and what will help transform our career.

If you want to be successful and move ahead of the curve, all the content is for you. Even if it may not seem to be immediately applicable to you, dive in and extract everything you can to help your career. You will see how the insights, approaches, and tools we teach are easily transferable between different industries and functions.

See the reviews for the programs and books here and here. You will see that we have a wide variety of clients who share our strong value system and commitment to solving tough problems that matter to the world.

Our content is relevant to everyone. If you are in industry or a partner in a boutique firm, a banker, research PhD etc. you may want to ignore the case interview training. Yet, you need to know the basics of calculations, building frameworks and solving problems before you can fully benefit from the advanced material.

Kevin Coyne, a former McKinsey world-wide strategy practice co-leader and a contributing partner for FIRMSconsulting, mentions that a key assumption he makes is that viewers have the basic problem-solving skills taught in earlier programs. Share on X

If you do not have those skills, the FC Insider content is more difficult to understand.

For example, the Andrew program is about building an innovation practice at a major professional services firm. You would most likely ignore this program if you didn’t care about innovation or work at a professional services firm. Yet, to become a partner, one must be able to sell between $4-5 million worth of work.

The program with Andrew is about how we taught him to sell—it’s about sales and implementation. It is incredibly detailed with approximately 200 episodes and more to come.

It is focused on the innovation function for a professional services firm, but the skills are relevant to every FC Insider. Many FC Insiders have transformed their careers across various industries and functions because of this single, in-depth program.

The biggest mistake clients make is ignoring a program because they think it is not directly applicable to them.

Programs often focus on 5 different areas:

  1. Teaching a technical/functional skill like strategy, sales, operational improvement etc.
  2. Set in a sector like mining, banking etc. so we can discuss the details to make the program realistic.
  3. Set in a specific country to analyze legal and regulatory issues.
  4. Teaching soft skills.
  5. Highlighting a real client’s personal experience so you can understand the journey of someone who has gone through similar struggles.

So, if you see a program called “Entering the US Banking Market,” remember it is a market entry program, and it will be helpful for you even if you are not in banking. Because you can learn from one of the 5 areas outlined above, you are investing your time wisely—these programs are extremely valuable to see how we structure, plan and execute analyses, manage the client, write up slides and conduct focus interviews.

The subject of a program is not important. Critical skills like structuring a study, developing hypotheses, storyboards, analyses and presenting to CEOs will be important to anyone, anywhere. Share on X

Define what you want to learn, locate it and then focus on it.

In other cases, some clients just want to learn the IT strategy approach, for example, taught in that program. We understand why that may be the case. Yet, we truly want you to succeed in the long-term. It is far more effective to learn the underlying way we think so that you can develop your own approaches. If you do not learn this, you will spend a large chunk of your life searching for the best approaches, but each problem is unique. It’s important to learn how to develop unique approaches/solutions to whatever problems you may encounter in your career.

The price is high for me. What can I do?

I believe that everyone who is willing to work hard should have an opportunity in life. I want to offer you what I would have greatly benefited from in my own life. To create such an opportunity, we created many affordable books you can benefit from to start getting results, and to put yourself in a position to be able to afford FC Insider access. Here are the books available at this time:

Succeeding as a Management Consultant: https://amzn.to/3a3atTn

Turquoise Eyes: https://amzn.to/3bzVa6g

Marketing Saves the World: https://amzn.to/2xcJqYA

Mavis: https://amzn.to/3iUkSWD

Strategy Insights: https://amzn.to/3pGcflh

Strategy. Part 1 – https://amzn.to/3BPMbe3

Strategy. Part 2 – https://amzn.to/3tbsbiU

The Private Equity Strategy Quick Guide: https://amzn.to/2ZTQi7L

The Corporate Wellness Strategy Quick Guide: https://amzn.to/3jh8RgZ

The Digital & Information Technology Strategy Quick Guide: https://amzn.to/2UOlB4v

The Strategy Journal: https://amzn.to/2QGft9d

The Operations Management Journal: https://amzn.to/32nMtc7

The Investment Journal: https://amzn.to/3u3g8mz

The Leadership Journal: https://amzn.to/3AQ3NXh

Digital & Information Technology Strategy Journal: https://amzn.to/3jmDmlu

The Strategy Visioning Workshop Journal: https://amzn.to/3u5VROE 

The Corporate Wellness Strategy Journal: – https://amzn.to/3mj0GAN

We also published hundreds of podcasts and articles all of which are available at no charge. Our podcast channels Strategy Skills as well as Case Interviews and Management Consulting are ranked among top 5-10 for careers in many countries.

We also introduced the FC Ambassador program for selected members in difficult financial situations—primarily in developing countries—for whom we arrange a discounted Premium membership fee during their time as FC Ambassadors.

FC Ambassadors help FC with important projects and deliver weekly measurable and meaningful results. FC Ambassadors deeply care about FC’s growth and put in the work required each week to honor their FC Ambassador status. Over the years, we have seen many FC Ambassadors graduate from the program and transfer to regular FC Insiders because they used their time as an FC Ambassador to transform their careers and lives, and now they can easily afford monthly or annual premium membership fees.

Enquiries can be sent to [email protected]. Very few spots are available and meaningful weekly contribution is required.

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