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Michael! Thank you so much for choosing me and leading me so far in the training program. It has changed me permanently in two good aspects.
First are changes from deep inside, in terms of career goals and inner confidence.
Second is about my outside presentation.
Let’s start with the changes from deep inside first. I still remember when you asked me, “Do you want to be a CEO of a company,” during the initial screening interview.
I thought it was absurd. How could I or how dare I even think about going that far? Never ever!
However, after the training, if you asked me today this same question, I would say, “Maybe…Yes. I think that is an intriguing idea.”
Raising my inner confidence occurred because training with Michael was one of the few times in a week that I felt good about myself.
No kidding! It is because I had been in a dark time in my career – due to the pressure to graduate from school and the uncertainty about my future career – and my confidence was decreasing. Michael helped me to realize my “sparkles” as well as “bad things” that I should improve. It is tremendously helpful to know myself better with an outsider’s expert view. Knowing what I was not good at is actually a good feeling and motivated me to improve.
The second key area I feel Michael has changed me is in my presentation. I was eager to improve my body language and start using hands while talking, though it was weird due to the conserved cultural background I had.
Michael was absolutely right that using hand movements helped me to gain more confidence and was more persuasive for others.
Also, I did consider my dress code when I had sessions with Michael. As he mentioned in his one interesting statistic, my “dressing significantly improved”, and I believe so. Not too much, but I was always thinking about it when I knew that day I would have a session with Michael, “this shirt is better for the session, because it gives me more business feeling”, or simply because “it looks better/brighter in the camera shooting”.
This is because I appreciated the significant efforts Michael and Firmsconsulting had put in me, and I do also want to offer something in return, especially the things that I can take control of, such as clothing.
Michael, I might become a CEO of a fashion or retail company in the future.
All in all, thank you Michael!
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