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To McKinsey Asia from unranked school

My Michael Moment is more like moments! The best thing I learned from Michael is to believe!

During my applications it was bad, Bad, BAD. No one was responding to my emails and one LinkedIn member told me my school was too weak to consider and I should do an MBA to improve my chances. I was frustrated and dragging myself around in a deep funk.

Michael got me to understand I should not feel sorry for the choices I made due to a lack of finances. He discussed his own life journey as a full scholarship student through high school and graduate school. That was an inspiring story to see how he made partner. The criticism of my school did not stop during interviews but Michael armed me with the belief and responses to professionally deflect them and make the interviewer focus on my own skills.

Michael always told me, “you have to play the cards you have and take the shot when it opens. No one person has the cards they want. Some people who go to elite schools want you to feel bad about your school since it makes them elite. Don’t fall for that. You must be defined by your skills and not your school.” Or something to that effect!

Getting into McKinsey reinforced my belief in Michael’s value system. If you do the right things with the right intentions, you will always succeed. Thank you for introducing me to Marvin Bower Michael.

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