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The Consulting Offer (TCO) V & VI is now taking applications. That is right! We are in our 5th and 6th highly successful year! We have never failed to place a client per season into McKinsey / BCG / Bain.
This will be an immersive experience where we will work on a complete career, skills, communication and image transformation.
You have an opportunity to be a part of this great program. Not just to learn from it but to be in it, and to change your career trajectory by directly working with some of the most senior consulting partners. Where else can you get a chance for that level of mentorship and guidance?
Here is the trailer to Season II. As you can see, it was an opportunity of a lifetime for Alice and Michael, the participating candidates.
If McKinsey and BCG have declined you before, and you are wondering if taking part in The Consulting Offer V can change things for you, keep this in mind:
Alice in Season II was previously declined at Bain & McKinsey, and through TCO II ended up with offers from BCG and McKinsey New York City.
Sanjeev was previously declined at BCG, Bain and McKinsey, and ended up at BCG Asia after TCO I. He is now a Principal.
Assel came off 5 years of maternity leave, after an audit career, and joined McKinsey in TCO IV.
The Consulting Offer VI is open to applicants pursuing any part of McKinsey, Bain or BCG.
If you would like to apply for this career changing opportunity, this is what you need to do:
Send your resume (any word format is fine).
Send any cover letter you have previously used (you do not create a new cover letter).
Please send us a high quality video explaining why you deserve this opportunity to be trained by some of the most senior partners. The video can explain your life, provide a background of your situation etc., but MUST answer ONE question in detail with examples, facts, numbers, dates and so on: How has Firmsconsulting changed your life so far? What is your background, what is your motivation and who are you as a person? This needs to be sincere and personal, with details. You may include any other supporting material or have colleagues/family speak on your behalf. The more material to help us understand your background, circumstances, life, ambition, and values, the better. Kindly do not include material where you do not have copyright of use, such as photos containing other individuals.
A professional headshot photo of yourself (these may be taken on an iPhone provided they are clear).
If you applied to TCO I, II, III or IV and were declined, you may apply again. We do not take into account applicant history when making a decision.
There is an application cut-off. As soon as we find the candidates we will accept into the program, we cut-off applications. That could happen in a day, week, a month or a few months.
Only current Premium members are eligible to apply. This means you need to be a Premium member to apply. Being an FC Insider is a plus but not a requirement.
Material submitted for your application becomes the property of Firmsconsulting LLC. By applying you agree to these terms.
To submit your application, please do so by emailing your full application package to [email protected].
We expect commitment, discipline and drive in the participants we will hand-pick. We shape the future leaders of management consulting and beyond management consulting. By every objective measure TCO is a successive, with most candidates still in MBB and one has risen all the way to Principal.
This is what you must want to be when you apply to take part in The Consulting Offer. You must want to be the best. You must want to be a great leader. You must want to be an ethical leader who strives to set the right example when no one is looking.
If your goal is to join McKinsey or BCG, leave after 2 years and have a wonderful middle-income life, it is best you do not apply. Do not apply to this program if you are not sure elite management consulting is the best path for you. Do not apply if you are not ready to have your life completely changed and every assumption about yourself challenged.
If you want to be a Fortune 100 CEO one day, then this is the place for you. If you want to learn the skills to solve mankind’s toughest problems, then this is the program for you.
Expect that every single word and space on your resume will be taken apart, repackaged and re-written. Every single leadership role, achievement and activity in your life will be deconstructed and reassembled to meet the requirements of the world’s most elite consulting firms. Expect us to un-teach all the bad habits you may have likely learned. All participants will go through a meticulous and complete change in the way they answer personal questions, communicate, solve problems, read data, work with teams, communicate data and more.
Our goal is never to just get you into McKinsey or BCG. Our goal is not just to make you a partner. Our goal is to also prepare you for what comes after partnership, to groom you to be a capable, ethical and impactful leader in business, government or academia. You need to aspire towards such a worthy goal.
And we are looking for the next Irina, Sanda, Sveta, Kris etc. We take great pride in helping people who have greatness within them but simply need some guidance.
We are unique in constantly maintaining a 50% participation rate for women in The Consulting Offer. Our hope is to do better by expanding our minority and LGBTQP participation.
If you do not share this passion for greatness and impact, the intensity of the program, over 9 to 12 months, will take its toll. The pursuit of money is by itself not enough to overcome the pain of striving for perfection. It never has and never will be.
You probably understand our philosophy through our programs and the >400 complimentary podcasts and >200 complimentary articles. This philosophy sits at the core of The Consulting Offer. In life, you often get one shot to change your destiny.
Just one.
Our job is to make sure you are ready to take the shot when the opportunity arises and, to some degree, help you create that opportunity.
Your job is to take the shot.
Below we share some photos from The Consulting Offer Season II.
We took over the largest conference center at the luxurious Ritz Carlton in Buckhead, Atlanta, in the great state of Georgia.
We spent an entire day converting the room into an elegant production set.
Candidates, Alice and Michael went through every aspect of a McKinsey final round interview, including the closed-list dinner.
Kevin P. Coyne, who co-led McKinsey’s Worldwide Strategy Practice, led The Consulting Offer Season II. Candidates received personal one-on-one mentoring from Kevin.
Non-participating guests watched the entire event and had an opportunity to have detailed discussions with the candidates and coaches while watching all sessions live.
The coaching, discussions and mentoring continued well after the cameras went dark, which speaks to the commitment of the ex-partners.
All of this culminated in the world’s most successful case interview training program. Now back for a 5th season.