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Watch us create the perfect resume over 4 x 60 min editing sessions per candidate
4 resumes are edited over 4 separate sessions = 16 editing sessions. Listening and reading about resume edits is not as useful as watching us take a resume and rewrite it for the high standards of McKinsey across 8 different offices our candidates targeted.
Every change we requested is explained in detail and subscribers can see the resume evolve in structure and content. We rewrite:
• A Chinese national’s Yale resume for the German market.
• A North African’s HEC/Stern resume for the French market.
• An Indian’s IESE resume for the Australian market.
• A Chinese national’s PhD resume for the US market.
Careful consideration and positioning is required in all resumes we rewrote – this is best observed – and it explains why rewriting resumes is such a long and structured process.
The bottom line is that if you skip this process, everything will fail later. No matter how good you may be at cases, you will not get a chance to prove your skills unless your resume is sufficiently compelling to secure an interview.
Typical process used to rewrite resumes:
0 – Change the format of the resume to that most commonly used by management consultants. We prefer the Harvard MBA format since it is clean and focuses on the content.
1 – Include all information which the candidate may have removed. We like to see everything since candidates may cull important information, and they are not qualified to know what is important to a consulting firm.
2 – Remove information/bullets which do not add any value to the candidate’s profile
3 – Rewrite each and every remaining bullet to ensure it is clear, factual and contains specific data on the context, action taken by the candidate and the results of the action taken. This process can take up to 3 to 4 weeks and may require up to 17 rewrites.
4 – Balance the resume to ensure it shows leadership, analytic skills, and the ability to get things done. If these are missing, a candidate will need to go out and complete initiatives to plug these gaps. That can result in delays of up to 2 to 3 months, or more, in some cases since quality initiatives take time to find and complete.
This is a general overview and process itself is far more intense.