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New Alumni Significant-Other Program

Hi everyone –

As the factory for future leaders, we understand our guiding role does not end once you leave our program.

Firmsconsulting coaching clients go through a selective interview process prior to being invited into our successful case interview program.

As a result of this curated process, we maintain an 8.8% admission rate into our program and 68.9% of those 8.8% applicants admitted successfully joined McKinsey, Bain and BCG. No other organization in the world can make this claim.

The 68.9% placement rate rises to 92% if we include placements in other leading firms like Deloitte S&O, AT Kearney, Roland Berger and distinguished influencers like Palantir, Tesla, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, UK Prime Minister’s Office, BMO, RBC, The White House Office of the Chief of Staff, Bank of America, Office of the SAF Chief of the Defense Force, Office of the Governor of Texas, Mitsui, RBS, Lazard, P&G etc.

Our placement rates exceed those of other firms by up to 40% purely because we only use ex-senior partners of McKinsey and BCG to advise our clients – we are the only firm worldwide to do so.

We will never change this philosophy of former partners mentoring future partners.

As of October 2015, there are 517 Firmsconsulting alumni at McKinsey, Bain and BCG and 194 alumni working at the other leading firms.

Why are we doing this? One of the main challenges faced by our clients is managing the stresses placed on their personal lives once they receive an offer. In particular, having to move cross-country or even across the globe to join a McKinsey or BCG office is not particularly helpful for one’s significant other. This can damage a relationship or marriage, especially for experienced hire candidates.

Even without moving locations, the consulting lifestyle will impact a relationship in a material way. Alumni should not feel the pressure to choose between a career and one’s personal happiness. This is a particularly difficult for LGBT clients whose significant others may not qualify for the same recognitions, and support, as same-sex couples.

To help our alumni, we believe it is worth supporting their significant-others.

The Alumni Significant-Other Program is a new initiative:

  • Alumni of Firmsconsulting are those who were members of our coaching service.
  • Significant-others of alumni qualify for a complimentary counseling session with a Firmsconsulting partner to help them understand career options, changes they should make, and/or editing on resumes and cover letters.
  • The counseling is open-ended with the primary objective of ensuring your significant-other is not at a disadvantage as you either move locations or change life-styles to meet your new career goals. We can discuss anything or everything related to their careers or adjusting to their new lifestyle. One need not have an interest in consulting or desire to enter the professor to take part.
  • Given the scope of the program it will be rolled out gradually to all alumni who qualify. Qualification is based on adherence to our values and contribution to the community, as determined at the sole discretion of Firmsconsulting.
  • Irrespective of when you where a coaching client, all the way from 2010, your significant other will be permitted to use this program.
  • The first invitations will be released shortly and a new group invited every month thereafter.
  • Should an alum not be married or have a significant other, we will consider the option of counseling a close family member on a case-by-case basis.
  • Firmsconsulting applies the highest standards of discretion and confidentiality when dealing with clients, and these requirements will apply in this program. We never disclose the names of clients, even if a waiver is signed.

Firmsconsulting alumni include some of the most distinguished McKinsey, BCG and Bain consultants and alumni. These include 27 Rhodes scholars, 14 decorated soldiers and several of the fastest-promoted consultants in New York, Atlanta, London, Johannesburg, Moscow and Singapore, amongst others.

Our alumni make a difference. They are the future leaders of government, business and academia.

As we pilot this program, we would appreciate your comments and suggestions to improve its usefulness.

Image by Moyan Brenn under cc.

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