Greetings from the West Coast.
My Michael Moment happened before I applied to Firmsconsulting. I wrote to Michael asking if he could help me transfer from Bain in a non-U.S. office to a U.S.-office. He was polite but said I needed to go through a complete screening process including a selection interview.
I was shocked! I was at Bain! Either Michael did not know how good Bain was or was just arrogant.
He calmly and carefully explained the process to me. Everyone needs to go through the process. If Firmsconsulting took me in without verifying my abilities they would be accepting a client which may not be a good fit for them. Michael also indicated that even on their best days, MBB does not have uniform recruiting standards and weaker consultants get in – they screened for that and assumed nothing.
After speaking to Michael I realized he had an exceptional understanding of Bain, our history and culture and even knew more than me. He was extremely polite, and knew my office very well – maybe to well!
Much later, I learned that FC has a principle of aiming to have higher standards than the 3 consulting companies they serve. That impressed me a lot.
I was also very impressed to see the thoroughness with which he handled things. That was my Michael Moment. I never regretted joining and am collecting more moments every week!
We have published the most useful client feedback. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from disclosing the identity of our clients and other confidential information, and we may alter details to prevent such disclosure. Some client feedback may be lightly edited for grammar, spelling or prose, though we never alter or remove any information. Clients in our consultants coaching program are forbidden from sharing sensitive client data with us.