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Firmsconsulting Documentary: On the Edge

“On the edge” is an emotional and heartwarming story about Alona documents the mistakes young professionals make without the right kind of guidance. Mentoring, particularly in one’s formative teenage and early adult years, is what determines a person’s confidence, ambition and options in life. Alona, however, has refused to give up, has begun studying again and hopes to re-enter the business world.

[Update 7] “On the Edge” was accepted into Elche International Film Festival, Spain and West Florida Film Festival

[Update 6] “On the Edge” has been selected for official screening at “Best Shorts” International Film Festival in San Diego, California.

[Update 5] The consulting career movie, “On the Edge”, is selected for screening at the 2nd annual Artists for Creative Theatre Film Festival on July 19 2014.

[Update 4] “On the Edge” has been selected for screening at River Film Festival, Padova, Italy. The screening will be on Wednesday, 4 June 2014.

[Update 3] “On the Edge” has been selected by Shorts On Tap for their upcoming screening event ‘Women inCharge’ in London on May 7th 2014.

[Update 2] Gothenburg Independent Film Festival “On the Edge” is selected for official screening and nominated for competition in two categories: “Best Short Documentary Director” and “Best Short Film”.

[Update] “On the Edge” is selected as one of 50 films worldwide to be shown at the 2014 Women’s Internal Film and Arts Festival in Miami Florida.

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