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4 Best Case Interview Coaching Clients

4 Best Case Interview Coaching Clients, Ever

Episode #9, Fridays with Firmsconsulting

By the end of 2015 Firmsconsulting will reach a major milestone of working with just over 700 case interview coaching clients. These are all clients who were coached by us 1 on 1, and do not include The Consulting Offer members.

The success rate for these ~700 case interview coaching clients is 70.1% for just McKinsey, BCG and Bain, and higher if we include other consulting firms.

Given the wealth of case interview coaching experience we have accumulated over the last 5 years, and advanced techniques we have developed, many of you asked us to talk about the top case interview coaching clients we trained, what made them stand out and what helped them succeed. Some of you asked that we share the key lessons.

Today’s episode covers these requests.

desperation does not work in consulting 2

We will talk about the lessons from the top 4 case interview coaching clients of all time as measured purely by their case interview skills. We have not adjusted the ranking based on their lifestyle difficulties. Yet, they are even more impressive when you take these into consideration. We will even talk about the #1 case interview coaching client in Firmsconsulting history.

We will dive into what made each of the top case interview coaching clients stand out and discuss the key lessons you can learn from all of them.

If you want to excel at case interviews, and in consulting, listen carefully so you can replicate the successful strategies these top 4 case interview coaching clients used to get into McKinsey, BCG and Bain (MBB). Their schools are surprising and the strategies some followed are very counter-intuitive.

Also keep in mind that the personal characteristics that were critical for their success were the very same qualities that helped all 4 case interview coaching clients excel once they became consultants. We predict all of them will have very bright futures in the corporate world and one is already living up to that high expectation. So lets dive in.


Let us know what advice you found most helpful and what surprised you.

With much appreciation,


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case interview coaching

Thank you so much for checking out this post and video. Let us know if you have questions or topics you would like us to address in future episodes of Fridays with Firmsconsutling. We will try to address as many of requests from Firmsconsulting community as possible.  

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