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Asian MBA on case interview priorities

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how?

Yes. The program really helps me understand the core business fundamentals rather than just case cracking techniques. It does not focus on frameworks, but instead helps build a sound foundation that can be applied to solve complex cases. It provides an intellectually stimulating environment, which I like a lot.

Did the program meet your expectations? If yes, how?

Yes. The program has met my expectations so far. To be honest, I realized that there is much more hard work and diligence required for case preparation. There is so much to learn from Michael and the way he solves a case. The personalized feedback is extremely essential and useful for my preparation.

What was the most important learning’s from the program?

The most important learning’s so far are:

– The way a business problem is approached, right from clarifying questions around business objectives to providing the final recommendations. Now, asking questions the ‘right’ way seems obvious, but at the start of the program it was different.

– Not to focus on applying frameworks blindly, but properly approach cases.

– How to structure thoughts in MECE format and prioritize the key issues

– The right way of doing estimation cases, starting from demand and supply. I always took estimate cases by default to be demand side cases.

Do you feel the program provided an advantage for you versus your own/other preparation? If so, in what way?

Definitely! Doing cases myself or with others would have helped me, but getting to know how a real case interviewer thinks/expects, is a key differentiator. I am given feedback for the case which helps in my preparation.

Doing cases with fellow students, even if they were from McKinsey or BCG, may not have been as helpful. Michael has much more experience at recruiting, so he can provide a more detailed and more importantly an accurate feedback.

Can you recall any memorable moments?

I really enjoyed doing the brainstorming exercise. Even though my answers were right, Michael provided another way to look at the problem. For example – brainstorming on reducing waste.

What would you like changed in the program?

Everything seems good, but if there is one thing I wish, is that (during the end of the program), I get to have a face to face (not Skype) interview, preferably from a different partner. This would help simulate a real environment quite accurately, which will ease of some of the nervousness in the real case interview.

Do you believe your coach was effective?

Yes. Michael has been a very effective coach. He is very committed and takes interest in increasing my skills to solve cases.

Do you personally believe the sessions were tailored for your own development?

Yes. I am given proper feedback during/after the session that helps me improve. Depending on my progress/comfort, next week’s plan is shared with me.

We spend less time on areas that I am good with and we spend more time on areas that need more practice.

We have published the most useful client feedback. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from disclosing the identity of our clients and other confidential information, and we may alter details to prevent such disclosure. Some client feedback may be lightly edited for grammar, spelling or prose, though we never alter or remove any information. Clients in our consultants coaching program are forbidden from sharing sensitive client data with us.

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