Client Testimonials
Client not placed in South-East Asia
A client from South-east Asia wrote 3 memorable moments from our coaching. I think 3 traits describe Michael for me -- utmost professional integrity, excellence and valued relationship. This story is about the 3rd trait: My "Michael Moment" came when I had finished the case coaching program, having spent ~4 months, and 15 hours being mentored by Michael. That day, I received the email decision from the consulting firm I was applying to. Sadly, I was unsuccessful in my application. Of course the first thing I did was shared it with Michael, and after some comforting encouragement from him, he said one the most inspiring words I've ever heard: That for him clients are friends. I understood this when I later on chatted with him. He provided me with guidance and resources, beyond the scope of what I had assumed as the "formal business contract" of the program. Michael, I am so fortunate to be your client and your friend. We have published the most useful client feedback. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from disclosing the identity of our clients and other confidential information, and we may alter details to prevent such disclosure. Some client feedback may be lightly…