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Client Testimonials

Client not placed in South-East Asia

A client from South-east Asia wrote 3 memorable moments from our coaching. I think 3 traits describe Michael for me -- utmost professional integrity, excellence and valued relationship. This story is about the 3rd trait: My "Michael Moment" came when I had finished the case coaching program, having spent ~4 months, and 15 hours being mentored by Michael. That day, I received the email decision from the consulting firm I was applying to. Sadly, I was unsuccessful in my application. Of course the first thing I did was shared it with Michael, and after some comforting encouragement from him, he said one the most inspiring words I've ever heard: That for him clients are friends. I understood this when I later on chatted with him. He provided me with guidance and resources, beyond the scope of what I had assumed as the "formal business contract" of the program. Michael, I am so fortunate to be your client and your friend. We have published the most useful client feedback. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from disclosing the identity of our clients and other confidential information, and we may alter details to prevent such disclosure. Some client feedback may be lightly…

Client Testimonials

A client from South-east Asia wrote 3 memorable moments from our coaching. I think 3 traits describe Michael for me -- utmost professional integrity, excellence and valued relationship. This story is about the 3rd trait: My "Michael Moment" came when I had finished the case coaching program, having spent ~4 months, and 15 hours being mentored by Michael. That day, I received the email decision from the consulting firm I was applying to. Sadly, I was unsuccessful in my application. Of course the first thing I did was shared it with Michael, and after some comforting encouragement from him, he…

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Client Testimonials

Fulbright Scholar on McKinsey, BCG requirements

My Michael Moment happened during a pitifully sad email I sent to me him asking for advice. I was a Fulbright Scholar studying in the US and my applications to LEK, Deloitte, Monitor, Oliver Wyman and Booz had been rejected. I wanted to know what to do since MBB were much tougher and the weaker firms were turning me down! Michael found it very amusing and mentioned that my early choices preferred consultants with consulting experience and sector knowledge. MBB preferred students without consulting experience and sector knowledge and being rejected by the others probably indicated I was a good fit for MBB! Just like that the sun came out in my life and I was happy again! That happened 2 days before my own birthday so I am happy to return the favor for Michael. My other moment occured when I was scared to apply to New York. Michael gave this very funny analogy. He said the McKinsey New York office was like the most glamorous fair lady at the prom. Everyone wanted to dance with her but everyone was too sacred to ask. So she ended up getting too few offers! I thought that was really funny, but…

Client Testimonials

My Michael Moment happened during a pitifully sad email I sent to me him asking for advice. I was a Fulbright Scholar studying in the US and my applications to LEK, Deloitte, Monitor, Oliver Wyman and Booz had been rejected. I wanted to know what to do since MBB were much tougher and the weaker firms were turning me down! Michael found it very amusing and mentioned that my early choices preferred consultants with consulting experience and sector knowledge. MBB preferred students without consulting experience and sector knowledge and being rejected by the others probably indicated I was a good…

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Client Testimonials

Harvard MBA helps Obama, despite missing BCG

My story is not a Michael Moment but a Michael Revelation. I was not successful with MBB while working with Michael. That said, I have no regrets taking the program and continue to refer friends and colleagues to Michael. I realized after the training ended that I was not ready for MBB. I had started my pursuit because everyone else was doing it. When Michael asked me why I wanted to work at McKinsey, I, sadly, had no good answer. I had never even thought about it until I was asked this question. I felt like a lemming. The training was excellent but the desire to be at MBB was missing and that was my weakness which the interviewers could easily see. They needed to have been blind to miss it. After my MBA I took 12 months off travelling around Central and Pacific Asia. The journey centered me and helped me realize what I wanted to do. I returned to the US and joined the Obama campaign. Everyday I used my consulting training to do things that matter. I am grateful for Michael giving me these skills. It is probably not the best story but it shows the power…

Client Testimonials

My story is not a Michael Moment but a Michael Revelation. I was not successful with MBB while working with Michael. That said, I have no regrets taking the program and continue to refer friends and colleagues to Michael. I realized after the training ended that I was not ready for MBB. I had started my pursuit because everyone else was doing it. When Michael asked me why I wanted to work at McKinsey, I, sadly, had no good answer. I had never even thought about it until I was asked this question. I felt like a lemming. The training…

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Client Testimonials

Scientist on networking, MECE, 80/20 and structure

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? I enjoy learning; I enjoy being coached; I enjoy being challenged to grow; the program has done all of these. I have also enjoyed building a coaching relationship with Michael, and watching my own progress, from the resume rewrite to case interview training and networking success. Regardless of the outcome, the program has been invaluable in shaping how I present and communicate myself, with immediately tangible and life-long professional & personal benefits — therefore the program is enjoyable even when I’m discouraged or challenged. I would not have enjoyed the program if my expectations had not been met. Did the program meet your expectations? If yes, how? My expectations were met, but I did not expect an offer at a management consulting firm. I believed the desired result was possible, but remained neutral about my chance for success. This approach allowed me to stay confident even when the outcome is uncertain. This is the same approach I used when applying to the program. While I was not shocked to receive an offer to join the Firmsconsulting program, it was something I wanted personally but did not have enough information to draw conclusions,…

Client Testimonials

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? I enjoy learning; I enjoy being coached; I enjoy being challenged to grow; the program has done all of these. I have also enjoyed building a coaching relationship with Michael, and watching my own progress, from the resume rewrite to case interview training and networking success. Regardless of the outcome, the program has been invaluable in shaping how I present and communicate myself, with immediately tangible and life-long professional & personal benefits — therefore the program is enjoyable even when I’m discouraged or challenged. I would not have enjoyed the program if…

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Client Testimonials

Female MBA pivots away from BCG to join IBanking

My Michael Moment happened after my first try at MBB. I applied to all three firms and secured interviews at all three, but did not make it past the final round. I was obviously tired and frustrated. Bitter would be a better word since my class mates got in and they were poorly prepared relative to myself - my opinion but I think it is true. Michael’s first response was to brush off the failure and say we needed to regroup for the full-time hiring. I liked that he did not quit and pushed me to fix my development areas over the summer. I am pretty sure if Michael showed any hesitation about my skills, I would have quit at that point. This story does not end with me getting into MBB in September. It is not that kind of happy ending, but it is very happy. Michael taught me not to quit and to think very carefully about what I wanted to achieve. I still worked with Michael but we focused on investment banking and I ended up getting a coveted offer from one of the leading bulge-bracket M&A firms. In the economic environment at the time, that was…

Client Testimonials

My Michael Moment happened after my first try at MBB. I applied to all three firms and secured interviews at all three, but did not make it past the final round. I was obviously tired and frustrated. Bitter would be a better word since my class mates got in and they were poorly prepared relative to myself - my opinion but I think it is true. Michael’s first response was to brush off the failure and say we needed to regroup for the full-time hiring. I liked that he did not quit and pushed me to fix my development areas…

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Client Testimonials

Scientist oncounter-intuitive BCG networking

While responding to the questionnaire for the strategic planning session, I realized there is a story I can share. It's personal, not professional, but perhaps still appropriate: One Sunday, a week before Christmas, I had been chatting with Michael intermittently while attending holiday functions. At one point I was sitting in my car, having left one party, but not yet on the road to the next party. A cold rain was smattering against my windshield as we chatted back and forth. Earlier in our conversation, I compared professional networking with romantic dating. Michael was quick to agree, and our conversation moved on, but this point stuck with me. The thought wouldn't leave my head. I have lived most of my life single, and never had much success romantically, but I have filled my life with unique and rewarding adventures, so I cannot complain. Being alone occasionally bothered me, of course, but it was something I had grown accustomed to. But over the last few years my confidence has grown exponentially - this is one of the reasons I believe I can make the transition to management consulting. Still; I had left my personal life alone, thinking that I would make…

Client Testimonials

While responding to the questionnaire for the strategic planning session, I realized there is a story I can share. It's personal, not professional, but perhaps still appropriate: One Sunday, a week before Christmas, I had been chatting with Michael intermittently while attending holiday functions. At one point I was sitting in my car, having left one party, but not yet on the road to the next party. A cold rain was smattering against my windshield as we chatted back and forth. Earlier in our conversation, I compared professional networking with romantic dating. Michael was quick to agree, and our conversation…

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Client Testimonials

BCG interview prep before training begins

Thank you for asking me to contribute to the changes at FC. I hope my best experiences are useful for the discussions in January. My most memorable moment working with Michael occurred well before I applied to the program. I would post very detailed questions to the Firmsconsulting open podcasts and Michael responded to everyone in great detail. It made me realize that Michael was very committed to teaching everyone about management consulting and took the time to provided useful advice. I always find Michael’s advice to be different from anything on the internet. There is depth, substance and experience behind every answer and I appreciate both his US and non-US experience. That is unusual. I applied to the Firmconsulting program but will only begin my training in a few months. I am sure it will be just as great! We have published the most useful client feedback. Our commitment to confidentiality prevents us from disclosing the identity of our clients and other confidential information, and we may alter details to prevent such disclosure. Some client feedback may be lightly edited for grammar, spelling or prose, though we never alter or remove any information. Clients in our consultants coaching program…

Client Testimonials

Thank you for asking me to contribute to the changes at FC. I hope my best experiences are useful for the discussions in January. My most memorable moment working with Michael occurred well before I applied to the program. I would post very detailed questions to the Firmsconsulting open podcasts and Michael responded to everyone in great detail. It made me realize that Michael was very committed to teaching everyone about management consulting and took the time to provided useful advice. I always find Michael’s advice to be different from anything on the internet. There is depth, substance and experience…

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Client Testimonials

MBA on a very counter-intuitive BCG strategy

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? The program was one of the best journeys of my life! Well before doing my MBA I wrote to Michael and asked for his advice. He recommended INSEAD or Ivey for the 1-year program and several of the US programs for the 2-year programs. He strongly encouraged me to consider the limitations of a 1-year program and that I would not have any room for mistakes. I signed up and went with Ivey. Big mistake? Hell Yeah! My grades were tanking by September and I did not see any way out. I was struggling to prioritize and decided to major in finance modules to show off my analytic skills. Bob Whites course was killing me. At this stage Michael gave me some very useful advice which changed everything for me and put me back onto track: 1) I should ignore consulting in the September recruitment and join the internal strategy team at a bank. Consulting firms apparently liked this profile and I could apply to McKinsey the next year in December – in about a year’s time. If I applied in September and was declined it would be hard to ever get…

Client Testimonials

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? The program was one of the best journeys of my life! Well before doing my MBA I wrote to Michael and asked for his advice. He recommended INSEAD or Ivey for the 1-year program and several of the US programs for the 2-year programs. He strongly encouraged me to consider the limitations of a 1-year program and that I would not have any room for mistakes. I signed up and went with Ivey. Big mistake? Hell Yeah! My grades were tanking by September and I did not see any way out. I…

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Client Testimonials

Deloitte tech. consultant into BCG generalist

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? The program, my coach and the Firmsconsulting material was great. I was an experienced hire from an accounting firm at the manager level and looking to transition into MBB either in London, South Africa or the Middle East. I experienced many delays during the program with my job and having a baby and Michael was very patient as I dealt with these things. I am very appreciative of the flexibility given to me. He also pushed me to go out and network before applying. I felt the training was never rushed and Michael would always give his view on the impact to my application and case skills development if I tried to delay too long. I am not saying everything was perfect but I also do not think that on something as complex as joining the world’s most elite firms, everything would go smoothly and it was a bit silly to expect this smooth process. That is what you get from reading out blogs, forums and websites - crazy expectations about hitting submit on your application and simply receiving and offer. Though, I will say that Michael is good at creating a…

Client Testimonials

Did you enjoy the program? If yes, how? The program, my coach and the Firmsconsulting material was great. I was an experienced hire from an accounting firm at the manager level and looking to transition into MBB either in London, South Africa or the Middle East. I experienced many delays during the program with my job and having a baby and Michael was very patient as I dealt with these things. I am very appreciative of the flexibility given to me. He also pushed me to go out and network before applying. I felt the training was never rushed and…

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