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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: a Detailed Guide

overcoming imposter syndromeOvercoming Imposter Syndrome: a Detailed Guide

Have you ever felt that you achieved your successes by luck, timing or due to other external events, instead of your effort, character, talent, and abilities? Do you consistently discount your achievements and face internal resistance to go after major opportunities because you are afraid to fail? Are you afraid you are not as good as people think you are? If so, you are in need of overcoming imposter syndrome.

I wanted to write an imposter syndrome article for a long time as it is such a crucial topic to address. An estimated 70% of people experience imposter syndrome to some degree at some point in their life, according to an article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science.

The imposter syndrome was one of the biggest roadblocks I faced in my life. And I know many of you face it too, yet people hardly ever talk about it.

Imposter syndrome is real, and if you have it and do not manage it, it is likely holding you back.

Definition of Imposter Syndrome

Let us first define imposter syndrome, if you are not familiar with what it is. The imposter syndrome (also known as imposter phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the imposter experience) is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud.

Imposter Syndrome Symptoms

You may now be asking do I have imposter syndrome? The imposter syndrome symptoms include thoughts and beliefs like:

  • My accomplishments are the result of serendipitous luck.
  • I feel like an imposter at work.
  • I feel like an imposter in my personal life.
  • I feel like I don’t belong.
  • I feel like I don’t actually deserve my job and accomplishments.
  • I feel like a fraud.
  • I don’t deserve the success I have.
  • I am an inadequate and incompetent failure.

The imposter syndrome also includes the following behaviors:

  • You feel you need to accomplish tasks on your own. You feel that if you get help, you are not good enough for this role.
  • You work harder than those around you.
  • You feel you need to succeed in all aspects of life and feel stressed when you are falling short in any aspect.
  • You will only apply for a job if you meet or exceed 100% of all the criteria.
  • If you are an expert in something you tend to try to know everything about a problem before starting to work on it and constantly searching for new certifications and training opportunities.
  • You set extremely high goals for yourself and feel disappointed in yourself if you only reach 99% of them.

The imposter syndrome is, in large part, a reaction to certain circumstances and situations. We all suffer from it. And, there is an imposter syndrome test you can take to help you determine if you have it.

The imposter syndrome can limit our courage to go after new opportunities so it is crucial to address it and control it. See more on that below.

women and overcoming imposter syndrome

Women and Imposter Syndrome

The imposter syndrome was first identified in 1978 by psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes. They published a paper describing how imposter syndrome was especially common among high achieving women. In their paper, they pointed out that imposter syndrome occurs with much less frequency in men. And when it occurs in men it generally occurs with much less intensity. They stated that “unlike men, who tend to own success as attributable to a quality inherent in themselves, women are more likely either to project the cause of success outward to an external cause (luck) or to a temporary internal quality (effort) that they do not equate with inherent ability.”

Later studies revealed that men suffer quite a lot from imposter syndrome and Clance published a later paper acknowledging that men also suffer from imposter syndrome. In fact, later studies confirmed that men and women suffer from imposter syndrome in roughly equal numbers.

However, nevertheless, the imposter phenomenon in high achieving women is especially common.

5 Types of Imposter Syndrome

Dr. Valerie Young has categorized imposter syndrome into 5 subgroups: the Perfectionist, the Superwoman/man, the Natural Genius, the Soloist, and the Expert. You may enjoy her award-winning book The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer From the Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It. Through her research, Young uncovered several “competence types” or internal rules that people who struggle with imposter syndrome attempt to follow. Reading this book may be very helpful in identifying your patterns and habits that may be a major obstacle in your ability to achieve your full potential.

Take a look at the summary of various competence types Dr. Young identified (in my interpretation) to see if you can recognize yourself.

imposter syndrome perfectionist


Ask yourself these questions if you are not sure if this category applies to you:

  • Do you feel that your work has to be 100% perfect?
  • Do you struggle to delegate? Do people accuse you of being a micromanager?
  • Do you believe that if you want it done right do it yourself?
  • When you do not achieve a goal you set do you accuse yourself of failing and scold yourself for days?
  • Do you feel success is rarely satisfying as you always see how you could have done things better?
  • Are you procrastinating until you feel you will have time to do it “perfectly”?

What can help: People who are within this category of imposter syndrome sufferers need to learn to handle mistakes without punishing themselves for it, viewing them as a natural part of the process and progress. You learn and improve. Learn that sometimes it is good enough. All of your work can never be 100%.


Ask yourself these questions if you are not sure if this category applies to you:

  • Are you often the last person or one of the very last people to leave the office? Do you have to wave your hand to bring back lights in the office because you are the only one there on Saturday afternoon (this one brings back lots of memories)?
  • Do you get anxious if you are not working? Do you feel you wasted your time if you took a break a little longer than you deem absolutely necessary not to burnout?
  • Are you a person who does not have any hobbies because you don’t want to spend a second on them if you could be spending it on work?
  • Do you feel that you have not earned your title (despite your more than adequate degrees and accomplishments)?
  • Do you feel pressure to work harder and longer than those around you to prove you deserve to be where you are?
  • Do you feel that your work overload is harming your health and relationships?

What can help: What holding you back quite a lot is your need for external validation. Start by teaching yourself to not depend on external validation but instead trust your own opinion about your skills and competencies. Raise your confidence level in your abilities and competence. Learn to not take criticism personally. Rely on your opinion of how good your work is. Your opinion should be way more important than that of your boss or your colleagues.


Ask yourself these questions if you are not sure if this category applies to you:

  • Do you feel that you need to be doing work faster and easier than other people? When you don’t do work faster and easier then others do you feel shame?
  • Do you have a track record of being a straight “A” student?
  • Were you told as a child that you are a “maverick”, a “genius”, “a smart one”?
  • Do you avoid trying something you are not great at?
  • Are you opposed to an idea of having a mentor because you don’t need anyone’s help? You are perfectly capable to do it on your own.

What can help: Try to view yourself as a lifelong learner. Focus on improving your skills over time. For example, instead of deciding you never going to ride a bike because you have not learned as a child and now you will look stupid, borrow a bike from your friend and ask him or her to teach you. If you are avoiding presenting to clients because you feel you are not good at it, and if you feel this skill is important for your career, focus on improving this skill versus avoiding presenting to clients.


Ask yourself these questions if you are not sure if this category applies to you:

  • Do you avoid asking for help and refuse people’s help because you feel you are supposed to accomplish things on your own to prove you deserve your position?
  • Do you find yourself saying often, “I don’t need anyone’s help”?

What can help: Start accepting people’s help more often.

This is not from Young’s book but I want to share with you a story here which I think will really help in changing your mindset. If you believe there is something bigger than us, God, universe, this story will help you.

Imagine a guy drowning and he is praying to God, “God, please save me!” He prays and he sees a boat comes by and people on the boat ask the drowning man, “Do you need help?” “No, God will save me.” The boat leaves. Shortly thereafter another boat arrives and the same thing repeats. Then the 3rd boat arrives and the same thing repeats. Eventually, the man drowns. He goes to heaven and asks God, “Why did you not save me?” And God says to him, “I sent you 3 boats.”

I hope you got the point.


Ask yourself these questions if you are not sure if this category applies to you:

  • If you were in your role for a while, do you feel that you do not know enough?
  • Do you measure your level of competence based on “what” and “how much” you know?
  • Do you fear that you do not know enough despite knowing way more than is expected from your role?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable when someone calls you an expert?
  • Are you constantly searching for additional certifications and training to make yourself feel better by improving your skills?
  • Do you procrastinate taking action towards achieving meaningful goals by finding new certificates and diplomas you should first obtain?

What can help: Constantly improving your skills is very important. You should not change that. But if you are procrastinating taking action towards achieving important goals because you are constantly in the process of obtaining the next certificate you are losing valuable time.

Are you familiar with just in time inventory management? Apply the same logic to your learning needs. Within StrategyTraining.com/Strategy Training Apps we have over 6,100 episodes of training, all done by former partners from major consulting firms. If you are a member, you can go look up episodes related to a specific skill when you need it.

For example, if you want to learn how to solve difficult problems you will find various programs on that particular skill, including How to Solve Big Problems with Kevin P. Coyne, former McKinsey partner and worldwide strategy practice co-leader.

Or, let’s say you need to run a strategy workshop with the executive team at your client, you can go to Corporate Strategy and Transformation study and go to Strategy Workshop section to get guidance on how to plan and run a strategic planning workshop.

This is much more effective than if you were spending this time studying towards some kind of general qualification when you already have good enough profile and sufficient credentials to be in your role, and now it is about delivering results.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Examples

Below I share 2 real-life imposter syndrome examples. One from my life and one from a life of one of the members of FC community. I hope our stories will help you manage your imposter syndrome and use it to your advantage.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Example #1 – My Story

When I moved from Russia to the West, I quickly realized that my music diploma would not get me very far. It was clear I had to earn an undergraduate degree in business to improve my prospects to become a management consultant.

Yet, I was afraid to apply to university because I felt I might not be good enough to even get in, let along graduate. After all, at that point in my life, I barely spoke English.

As I was deliberating about my future I remember talking to a dear friend about this. I shared my concerns that I was afraid to be laughed out of the admission office or waste my time and money applying if I have no chance of getting in. And my friend told me with great certainty on his face: “Kris, I know you. You will not only get in. You will be a straight-A student.”

These words and the way he said it likely changed the trajectory of my life. I have not had someone who truly believed in me ever since my grandmother passed away many years before. And having someone who believed in me helped me believe in myself. It made me think that maybe I was underestimating myself, maybe I am good enough, or better than enough.

Against the Odds and Despite Imposter Syndrome

I was accepted and the hard work began. I had to translate almost every word in textbooks and supporting study material. When I finished my first set of exams I was afraid I would not pass. Imagine my surprise when I got straight As, just as my friend predicted.

first international client engagement management consulting overcoming imposter syndrome

As I continued being a straight-A student I joined the research back office of a major international consulting firm. Yet, the feeling of not being good enough continued to follow me. I continued to battle with imposter syndrome.

I had to fight myself to summon the courage to approach consulting partners and volunteer my time after hours to help with their projects. This was the quickest way I saw to move from the back office to the elite Strategy & Operations practice.

Fortunately, I managed to slay my insecurities and a few weeks after joining, and after I became a vital team member on an important strategy project for the firm, I was invited by one of the senior partners to join strategy practice full time.

Collecting Achievements Does Not Erase Imposter Syndrome

Within 12 months after joining the firm I was promoted and then promoted again 5 months later, well ahead of my peers. Yet, I still felt I was not good enough.

Interestingly, experiencing imposter syndrome moments is particularly prevalent among high achievers.

We spoke about the confidence myth. I believe the Imposter Syndrome is related to this discussion.

Imposter Syndrome is Really a Manifestation of Low Confidence

The thing is, if you don’t have confidence ingrained in you from childhood, no matter how extraordinary your achievements are, you will still likely feel like you are not good enough, no matter what you end up achieving. You have incorrect beliefs that need to be replaced.

Therefore, imposter syndrome is really a manifestation of low confidence. And fortunately, you don’t need to be confident to be successful. You just need to manage your imposter syndrome so it does not prevent you from taking action.

It is clear we have to learn how to control the imposter syndrome, especially during the early stages of our lives when we don’t have a track record to use as a reality check.

For example, when I was deliberating about applying to university the imposter syndrome moment was really debilitating because I did not have a track record of accomplishments that I could look at for a reality check. And if it was not for my dear friend, I may have not taken action.

What if you struggle with the imposter syndrome and will not have a kind friend nearby at the right time to give you a reality check nudging you towards the right path? That would be devastating.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Example #1 – Alina’s story

I am going to talk you through a conversation I had with an FC follower, let’s call her Alina, who is driven to go into consulting to reboot her career after a prolonged period out of work: studying and then battling a life-threatening illness. Alina clearly battles with imposter syndrome. And this story is a good example of overcoming crippling imposter syndrome.

I will share with you Alina’s inspiring story, as well as my thoughts on what I think we can learn from it.

Early Years Success

Alina’s friend, another member of FC community who we will call Sergey, reached out to me asking if I could help his dear friend who has hit a rough patch in life and were not sure how to navigate from her difficult circumstances. This is how I ended up reaching out to Alina offering my help.

Alina is in her mid-twenties. She spent her entire life accumulating impressive accomplishments. She got a scholarship to go from a tiny Russian city to a prestigious university in Moscow, she then got a scholarship to go to one of the most prestigious universities in the US. In fact, it was one of those Ivy League institutions that the most elite families groom their children to go to from an early age.

This may sound like a somewhat common accomplishment for a Western reader, but Russian readers and readers from other developing countries will know how improbable such a scenario is no matter how good you are. You have to be near genius to succeed at that level in Russia. We have another great example within FC community of someone at level, Ioana Moga. You can read Ioana’s story on how she went after consulting jobs and ultimately joined McKinsey. But such stories are very rare.

The Dark Times

Around completion of her studies in the US Alina found out that she had a potentially terminal illness that required urgent operation. She flew back to Russia and spent months going from doctor to doctor following the protocol and rules so that she could undergo an operation, yet doctors kept on referring her for more analyses or to other specialists while her tumor was growing.

As a side note, this is why I lost my grandmother. As many of you know my grandmother, Galina, was one of the loves of my life. You can read my full story here. When she started feeling ill and drastically losing weight she also went from doctor to doctor for years following the protocol and her cancer was only diagnosed when she reached stage 4 and it was too late.

Back to Alina’s story. Eventually, Alina realized what many Russian patients, and I am sure many patients from many other developing countries, realize in her place sooner or later, without connections she may not get an operation in time.

Her mom scrambled and found friends of friends who had connections and who could help get Alina into the operating room in time and Alina bravely went through the surgery. The tumor was removed. However, the issue is not completely behind for Alina because recess is possible, in fact, it is likely.

Alina spent a few months on recovery, struggling from terrible side effects of hormonal treatment and we spoke at the point when she had only 4, and at absolute maximum 8, weeks left of student housing was out of work for a prolonged period of time, had no source of income, and living in Moscow, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

This situation was tearing her apart from inside, causing sleepless nights and extreme anxiety, the last two things you want when you are trying to avoid reoccurrence of a serious illness.

Battling Imposter Syndrome Despite Accomplishments

All of these resulted in what I call “deer in the highlights” effect. Alina was desperately considering what to do with her life and how to reinvent her career but did not knew which way to turn and was plugged by inaction.

She was very concerned with all the time she spent on studies and illness, and that at mid-twenties she may be too old to start a career. Say hello to an imposter syndrome in action!

At recruitment events, companies did not provide any reassurance. They confirmed that in fact doing a doctorate degree is not an excuse for not working, and so is an illness. And that yes, in fact, she may be too old to start a career.

There was also pressure from society to start a family. Believe it or not, mid-twenties in Russia is a point when women without husband and children are looked at as ones who, quite likely, missed the boat.

So here we have a high-need-for-achievement individual, with an impressive track record, yet society is telling her that she failed on all fronts: career and family. And because Alina is a prime example of someone with imposter syndrome she is disregarding all her prior accomplishments, and relies on external validation to see her worth, and as a result seeing only failure on all fronts. This makes her feel isolated, insignificant and lacking purpose, all of which make her plunge deeper into her anxieties.

Facing Imposter Syndrome and Developing a Plan

We had 2.5 hours discussion, in the middle of the night (for me) and I was determined to help Alina develop a plan out of her situation. We started by developing a routine for Alina to follow to minimize a chance of reoccurrence of her illness. This was priority number one. Good diet, exercise, rigorous meditation routine to manage anxiety and proper sleep were not negotiable elements.

Then I asked Alina a lot of questions about what she really wants from life, digging and digging to reveal her true ambition, her true aspirations. I then was digging even deeper to understand “assets” she had in her life, be it connections, skills or other resources.

Alina knew she wanted to make a difference with her work. We also uncovered that long–term she wanted to do something on the crossroads between technology and science, specifically taking more of a science into the daily lives of people through technology. And she felt that working in consulting would take her toward that freshly clarified goal by equipping her with relevant skills.

Alina was also not sure she wanted to stay in Russia. In fact, after some soul searching, we uncovered that Alina absolutely definitely did not wanted to stay in Russia. She felt people are too disrespectful there. She wanted to find the way to move to the West. She initially was not sure to which country she wanted to go to but after a lot of further digging, we uncovered 3 top choices and then further prioritized it to uncover her top choice and second choice.

We also uncovered that she had a time sensitive opportunity to join one of the major consulting power houses in Moscow. This opportunity only came up after a lot of digging from my side. This is an example of how sometimes we don’t see something that is right in front of our nose, especially if we are battling an imposter syndrome and don’t feel good enough despite our accomplishments. I call those things our blind spots.

After further digging it also turned out that Alina had a relatively easy option, given her background, to move out of Russia via an academic path.

I remember the moment the plan started to come together. It was close to 12 midnight on Friday, but I was not going to give up. As Michael jokes, I work until I bleed. I was so tired after a hectic week that I was standing to make sure I remain alert.

So I was standing in my bedroom with windows wide open to get in some fresh air and in complete darkness, so neighbors would not see me. And finally, things started to come together.

Almost Missing an Opportunity Right in Front of Her Nose

The plan was to take a break from the work on a doctorate Alina was completing and go after major time sensitive consulting opportunity. She knew a partner who could help her get in but that partner was about to resign so she had to act really fast. It was basically a 4 weeks window. Talk about a cost of a blind spot, since this opportunity was there way before we spoke but remained unregistered by Alina.

Alina had to interview before that partner will inform the firm about his resignation, because once that happens he would lose his influence within the firm.

At the same time, she would start preparing applications for completing her doctorate in universities in the West, particularly applying to universities in her first and second choice countries, Germany and the US.

With her background, she had great chances to receive a full scholarship. She had a few months before the deadline to submit those applications so going after major consulting firm through her connection was the highest priority.

So we came up with this plan. Alina was profusely grateful. She said I may have just changed her entire life. This is another thing I know about someone as soon as I see they have an imposter syndrome: they are usually genuinely kind, and appreciative person with strong values, at least in my experience.

Alina is one of the prime examples of a person suffering from imposter syndrome. She have accomplished well above average, and not just by Russian standards, but even by US or Canadian standards or another major Western country’s standards. Yet those accomplishments are just a blur in her mind. They just somehow don’t register.

The last time I spoke to Alina she was working for the major consulting firm she ended up joining following the plan above and she was in a much better place personally and financially.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 11 Practices 

Managing imposter syndrome is difficult but there are things you can do to make tremendous progress. Fast. We shared some advice above where we spoke about types of imposter syndrome. Here are additional practices you can adopt to help you keep imposter syndrome in check.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 1 – Watch Your Language

Avoid using minimizers and qualifiers when you think or talk about your abilities, your achievements, your work or anything related to you. Forbid yourself from using any self-deprecating language.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 2 – Learn to Accept Compliments with Grace

When someone compliments you on your accomplishments or your abilities or anything related to you, don’t think or say, “Oh, I was just lucky” or “I had a lot of help.” Anything that diminishes your worth or discounts your efforts or minimizes the compliment in any way should be avoided. Instead just say, “Thank you”.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 3 – Remind Yourself Every Day that you are Amazing, Competent and Destined for Greatness

Create a post it note with the words “I am good enough. My accomplishments speak for themselves.” Look at it every day until it is ingrained in your brain.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 4 – Stop Comparing Your True Self to an Image Others Project

There is always going to be somebody who will appear to be better than you in certain aspects. So stop comparing yourself to others. Instead, try to be better than you were yesterday, every day. This is a challenge where you can win and which is worthy of your time.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 5 – Focus on the Value You Add, Not Perfection

You don’t need to be a master to add value. You just have to be good enough. Don’t set unrealistically high standards for yourself that no one can live up to. Instead, do your best every day. And accept that things will not be perfect. You will make mistakes. As long as you did the best you could, it is good enough.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 6 – Go After Stretch Goals

This is an absolutely crucial idea for you to implement. If you will take action only on one insight, this is the one that has the most potential to transform your life. Ask yourself, what would you do if you trusted yourself that you could handle it? What would you do if you were bold, brave and enthusiastic about your future? Go after those goals. Don’t let the imposter syndrome’s limiting effects stop you from going after the life you really want. After all, there are not so many tomorrows that are left for any one of us. So make them count.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 7 – Do a Reality Check as Needed

Write down all your major accomplishments and as soon as the jerk in your brain or some jerk in real life starts telling you that you are not good enough look at that list to get a reality check.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 8 – Surround Yourself with People Who Believe in You

Find at least one person who believes you are destined for greatness and who does not hesitate to express it verbally and through their actions. Until your own voice is strong enough to encourage you to go after your goals and dreams, this positive and helpful person can supplement the encouragement required to move you forward. My dear friend all those years ago was that person for me. The question is, who is or who will be that person for you?

And also, don’t forget to pay it forward. Be that person for someone else. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give to another human being.

Right now ask yourself, what would I do if I trusted myself that I could handle it? What would I do if I was bold, brave and enthusiastic about my future? Give yourself an honest answer. In fact, write it down so you crystalize your thoughts, and then take the first step TODAY towards that future.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 9 – When You are Lost Seek Help

If you feel you are lost, you are in trouble and you are struggling to come up with a good plan to resolve the problem, seek help. Reach out to people who went through a similar situation and found a way out. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Get all the information you can so you can make an informed decision.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number 10 – Value of Plan and Execution

When you face a difficult situation you need to develop a plan out of it, and then you have to find the discipline to execute it. You just have to do it. You need to develop a critical path (key steps you need to follow). Knowing a critical path will help you differentiate what is important and you have to focus on following the critical path, day after day.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Practice Number #11 – Find Ways to Identify Opportunities

We often don’t see an opportunity right in front of our nose.

This is a big one. It took someone who knew Alina for 2.5 hours to help her see what was in front of her nose for some time now. All the opportunities that Alina had caused a “deer in the headlights” effect. Too many choices and too many problems resulted in a complete freeze at the time when action is critical. Alina felt trapped and it kept her stuck.

To avoid blind spots we need to know when we need to search for perspective. That perspective can be found, in my experience, either by talking to someone capable of providing it or, what is even more powerful, by finding that perspective yourself.

I know of two ways to find that perspective.

One is, uprooting yourself from day to day routine and going somewhere new for a week or two, and ensuring that during that time your mind will not be actively working. For example, you cannot expect to go for a conference to another country where your days are scheduled from morning until night, and expect to get to the state of mind where you will see your life clearly. Instead, you need to go away and do nothing in particular. In that situation, you will start getting a glimpse of a bird’s view of your life.

When I put myself in this type of situation in a few days I usually see my entire life and path forward as a crystal clear picture. It is truly amazing. In fact, some major decisions in my life can be traced back to these type of situations.

Another way to get perspective yourself is some form of meditation on a regular basis.

Imposter Syndrome is a Coin with a Bright Side

overcoming imposter syndrome self esteem

We often talk about the dark side of imposter syndrome, but there is a bright side to it too.

If you are doubting yourself no matter how much you achieve, don’t despair. You are not alone. There are a lot of us.

Do you know how to recognize us? We have accomplished more than average but you won’t say that by talking to us. There is no arrogance. There is no “I am better than you” mentality. And we are always striving to achieve more and be better.

So What Does That Mean for You?

Well, it means that you are the chosen one. You are special.

Yes, imposter syndrome is real. And it is hard to manage. It is somewhat crippling to always doubt yourself, no matter what you achieve, no matter what your competency level is. But on the flip side of it is this is what makes you strong, this is what makes you stand out. This is what helps you do excellent work that matters, that makes a difference. Imposter syndrome appears to hold you back but, if you manage negative aspects of it, it can actually be a fuel that helps you move forward.

The key is to learn how to leverage your imposter syndrome to propel you forward, without letting yourself suffer in the process.

Combating Imposter Syndrome: the Bottom Line

If you are struggling remember that there is a way out of your trouble. You just have to see your situation from a big picture perspective, come up with a plan, which we call critical path, and then, the hardest part, to actually execute it.

When you feel really down remember that there are others, just like you. In fact, there are people right now who are in a much worse situation compared to you and who will be coming out at the top at the end. If they can do it, so can you.

Be bold when you think about your ambition.

Be courageous to ask for help to get perspective and develop a plan forward.

Be your own tough personal coach to make sure you execute the plan by rigorously following a critical path, no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT!

WHAT IS NEXT? If you have any questions about our membership training programs (StrategyTV.com/Apps & StrategyTraining.com/Apps) do not hesitate to reach out to us at support @ firmsconsulting.com. You can also get access to selected episodes from our membership programs when you sign-up for our newsletter above or here. Continue developing your strategy skills.

Cheers, Kris

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