Delicate Balance Needed in a Turnaround
Delicate Balance Needed in a Turnaround There are many interesting pieces about companies facing turnaround problems—from banks like Wells Fargo, to large retailers, to food and beverage companies—and these difficulties are more pronounced with COVID-19. Let’s talk about what is happening in turnarounds, why they are so difficult, and some pieces that many people have been missing. In a turnaround, it’s ultimately a corporate strategy with a gun to your head because you have limited time to respond. First, you have to immediately cut costs. Employees and suppliers know that the company is usually not paying much attention during a turnaround. When I was a senior partner and did a lot of turnarounds, the first thing you would do is realize that fraud is taking place. It doesn’t matter if there’s no evidence—it’s taking place because that's human nature. The first thing you need to do is impose very strict capital controls. Anything that needs to go out in terms of cash needs to get approval from somebody who is set up to check these things. The second thing you have to do is the hard part: Figure out which businesses you're going to keep that have a chance to…