You Will Have Results Or You Will Have Excuses
Do you want to succeed? You need to become an effective communicator. You need to be able to take an idea in your mind and present it in a way that allows people to understand, pay attention, consider the idea, and have confidence in your ability to execute the idea. Great communicators have the ability to hold the attention of the room, and subtly compel others to think or act in a particular way. They are able to earn trust and showcase credibility. They are able to present proposals effectively and have an engaging argument with someone when required. They are able to persuade. They are influential. People listen when they speak. They are confident. And because people react to them with attention and serious consideration, the confidence level grows further and further. Similarly, if you are not able to hold the attention of the room, you will experience people ignoring you and your ideas. Do people’s reactions to you make you doubt your abilities more and more? Think about what it does to you. What will it do to you long term? If every day you lose a little more confidence in your abilities, what will happen to you…